;*** Measure the width of an external pulse with an AVR Mega8
;; PWM sginal from R/C receiver. One 1-2ms pulse every 20ms.
;; R/C PWM signal connected to ICP (PortB, Pin0).
;; Mega8 running at 4Mhz.
;; Demo code sets C0/C1 to move linear actuator left or right.
;; Note that if upper 8 bits of ICR1 are not all zero,
;; then pulse width exceeds valid range.
;; -rkumar at hyperreal dot org
.include "m8def.inc"
.org 0x0000 ; Reset vector
rjmp reset
.org 0x0005 ; Timer1 Capture Event Interupt vector
rjmp TIM1_CAPT
ldi r16, low(RAMEND) ; Set up stack pointer on reset
out SPL, r16
ldi r16, high(RAMEND)
out SPH, r16
ldi r16, (1<<ICES1)|(1<<CS11)|(1<<CS10)
out TCCR1B, r16 ; Set clock prescaler to 32
; Also set the Input Capture Edge Select bit to 1
; (trigger on rising edge)
ldi r16, 1<<ICF1
out TIFR, r16 ; Clear ICF1, Clear pending interupts.
ldi r16, 1<<TICIE1 ; Set bit 4.
out TIMSK, r16 ; Enable Timer1 capture event interupt.
sei ; Enable global interupts.
ser r16 ; Set all bits in r16.
out DDRD, r16 ; Set PortD as output.
;out DDRB, r16 ; Set PortB as output.
out DDRC, r16 ; Set PortC as output (instead of PortB!)
cbi DDRB, PB0 ; Set PB0 (ICP) as input.
loop: ; Loop forever! Wait for interupt!
rjmp loop
; Timer1 Capture Handler_________________________________________________
; We don't need to perserve registers, since they
; are not used outside this ISR. But be careful
; when extending this code. Note that this ISR
; returns from different places!
in r20, ICR1L ; Read Input Capture Register to r20/21
in r21, ICR1H
; Invert the edge select bit.. This is NOT the best way to do this..
; We have 32 registers, and we should use them.
; However, it is unclear right now which registers our main loop
; will need.
in r16, TCCR1B ; Read Timer1 Control Register B into r16.
bst r16, ICES1 ; Store edge select bit in T.
bld r17, ICES1 ; Load edge select bit from T into r17.
com r17 ; Invert bits in r17.
bst r17, ICES1 ; Store edge select bit in T.
bld r16, ICES1 ; Now we have the inverted the edge select bit in r16.
out TCCR1B, r16 ; Set Timer1 Control Register with inverted edge select bit.
clr r17
out TCNT1H, r17 ; Clear Timer1
out TCNT1L, r17
sbrs r16, ICES1 ; In r16, if edge select bit==0 (which means we entered on rising edge)
reti ; then return from interupt and wait for falling edge.
; If we reach this point in the ISR, it means we entered on a negative edge.
; The pulse width is already stored in r20/21.
cpi r21, 0 ; compaire r21 with 0
brne case_rcerror ; if not zero, then handle error
cpi r20, 128 ; else, compare r20 with 128
brsh case_rcerror ; if greater or equal than 128, then handle error
cpi r20, 66 ; else, compare r20 with 66
brlo case_right ; if less than6, move actuator right
cpi r20, 102 ; else, compare r20 with 102
brsh case_left ; if same or higher than 102, move actuator left
default: ; else...
cbi PORTC, PC1 ; clear PB2 and PB4...
cbi PORTC, PC0 ; ...to ensure the actuator is not moving!
com r20 ; Invert bits (led's connected backwards)
out PORTD, r20 ; Write lower 8 bits of Timer1 ICR to PortD
;clr r16 ; clearing Timer1 here should be unnecessary
;out TCNT1H, r16 ; clear Timer1
;out TCNT1L, r16
; case_right: Move the Linear Actuator to the right______________________
cbi PORTC, PC0 ; Ensure that PB4 is not set
sbi PORTC, PC1 ; Set PB2 to move the actuator right.
com r20 ; Invert bits (led's connected backwards)
out PORTD, r20 ; Write lower 8 bits of Timer1 ICR to PortD
; case_left: Move the Linear Actuator to the left________________________
cbi PORTC, PC1 ; Ensure that PB2 is not set
sbi PORTC, PC0 ; Set PB4 to move the actuator left.
com r20 ; Invert bits (led's connected backwards)
out PORTD, r20 ; Write lower 8 bits of Timer1 ICR to PortD
; case_rcerror: Handle RC receiver errors________________________________
cbi PORTC, PC0
cbi PORTC, PC1
clr r16;
out PORTD, r16;