AVR linky
- Atmel’s AVR page
- http://www.avrbeginners.net/
- Eagle CAD parts definitions for AVR here
- I made a part for ATTiny26 20-pin SOIC. Ask me if you want it. - mang
AVR Development tools
- AVR GCC at http://www.avrfreaks.net/
- AVR GCC, avr-libc, and uisp for Mac OS X info here
- GCC tools for AVR Studio
- BASCOM-AVR (Basic for AVR) http://www.mcselec.com/download_avr.htm
- ATmel Development Studio (includes simulator, with hackery can do C source level debugging)
- AVROSP - Atmel-supported open source programmer.
- AvrButterfly
- AVRlib – lots of good library functions
Source Code
Tymm’s magic ball project
-- i started with code from the winavr package, which might be in the general gcc package; it's a pwm thing to dim one led up & down. it uses the 2313's built-in pwm... i changed it a bunch so it now uses the counter to trigger interrupts at a set rate instead of using the built-in pwm and uses an 8-bit normalized sin table for brightnesses of LED's hooked to port B... so it's able to deal with 8 LED's at different brightness levels instead of just 1; uses counters for each LED to deal with cycle times. this on a spin toy would probably look really cool :)