We have a Subversion source repository.
It can be viewed on the web at
Here’s an overview of what’s in the repository.
To check it out, you’ll need a subversion client:
- TortoiseSVN for Windows - it integrates with the windows shell.
- To check out the repository, (after installing and restarting,) right click in the folder you want to create it in and choose ‘checkout…’
- Enter ‘’ in ‘URL of Repository’
- In the directory that’s created, right click on anything for lots of options.
… or:
- The command-line ‘svn’ client.
- A Windows installer
- Cygwin comes with a ‘svn’ - though you may need to choose to install it at setup time. It’s ‘subversion’ in the ‘Devel’ group.
- Many other OSes at, including OS X.
- To check out the repository…
- ‘svn checkout’
Docs at …
The Guided Tour….
… A MiniTutorial
… A quick reference
… And a purty quick reference card. (It’s formatted for A4 paper, make sure you scale it down a bit - 94% should do it.)
There’s a few of these printed out at the ranch.