Mr Foo’s World of Crap

Yes thatz right! Mr Foo has vast amounts of crap cluttering up dah ranch that he neither wants nor can use! All this crap can be yours for a song and maybe a soft shoe. No hell with that, I don’t need your old shoes. Can’t sing? Then I’ll take money!

Important: This stuff is crap because I don’t need it. Everything works just fine unless otherwise noted.

== Tools =

  • Small Ass Jointer
    • 120 VAC single phase motor
    • $50 clams
  • Old Jigsaw
    • $25 clams

Industrial Stuff

  • 1/3 HP Magenettic Drive Pump
    • Little Giant Te-5.5-MD-HC pump.
    • Low Psi/High Corrosives 1/3 HP, 115/230 VAC
    • Was bought and tested but never used
    • Paid $400 clams
    • Yours for less.
  • Refridgeration vacuum pump.
    • J/B Industries, Inc
    • DV-142N Refridgeration vacuum pump.
    • Surplus Vacuum pump, needs work.
    • No idea if it’s any good at all.
    • Bought for $10
