If any of these are actually possible, please let me know!

  • in new object list, should be able to type full name, not just first character
  • in new object list, scroll wheel should work when focused on category list
  • keyboard accelerator for “Save As”
  • copy and paste error messages from Max window!
  • ability to make Max window stay on top
  • U hop when wires cross over each other but aren’t connected like in a schematic (or change colours)
  • show object description in new object list
  • way to increase font size in help patches (teeny tiny on my 14” 1400x1040 laptop screen)
    • rescaling of pixel image (not just text) would be nice
  • make resize handle target area larger
  • escape key to dismiss inspector dialog
  • Shift-Ctrl-S for Save-As
  • keyboard shortcut (or in help menu, or somewhere) for doing “getattributes” dumped to Max window
  • not crashing so much
  • more align options (not just top and left), including “smart align” shortcut
    • e.g. align options like in CorelDRAW
  • small default movie in Jitter help patches