first draft of a curriculum:
engineering for fuckos curriculum
strength of structures tensile / compressive loads materials wind load beer
12v power systems lead-acid batteries charging voltage and current inverters running power tools off an inverter chargers car power systems: alternator isolators photovoltaic case study: heart of darkness? furmobile? cinnabar charm?
el wire construction drivers control case study: amb-amb
fiber optics endglow vs sideglow sizes light sources
leds voltage / current relationship for leds and for resistors brightness units basic color theory
microcontrollers programmers assemblers compilers pic avr drivers: transistors/mosfets/darlingtons/driver arrays/triacs
propane tanks lines couplings vapor pressure pilot lights valves flamethrowers gas vs. liquid taps frozen lines safety
high voltage ignition systems tesla coils van de graaf generators
fire additives media - propane / methanol / ethanol / … colors sparks toxicity delivery
motor control pwm servos steppers linear actuators
jets pulsejets turbines carburetors / fuel injection