Bugs and Stuff
- 11/11/04:
- Did preliminary testing and stuff.
- Somethings very screwy with the scaling of the input and setpoint.
- Must take back to 199 banks for more software work. FKT!
- 11/11/04:
- FIRFilter is not a working and stuff. Probably a pointer issue. Hacked it to work cause I want to keep going and stuff.
- Mounted the controller in it’s little enclosure. Maybe I’ll get McCabe to take picture and stuff
- Found possible supplier for Brushless dc motor. Call them Monday and see if they sell me a motor and stuff.
- Thinking of nasty ass issue, the idea that the motorolla pressure sensor may not be okay to use with propane and air. It’s plastic and stuff. Probably need one that has stainless steel diaphram and stuff.
- PS: The lack of a proper debugging tool shows and stuff.
- 11/10/04:
- Did not real software work other than checking in the code
- Think that overshoot problem could be helped greatly by adding D to PI to get PID
- Think that the blower is very laggy due to the mass of the rotor.
- 11/08/04:
- Found and fixed serious bug in median filter that was clobbering memory (Mr Foo <– was smoking crack)
- Serious overshoot on turn on, why? fix how? (tunning maybe?)